Featured Photographer: Jena Asgari

We are super excited about our new initiative to cooperate with awesome photographers and feature their work on our website. May I present to you, our first ever feature photographer: Jena Asgari!

Jena’s work perfectly captures the candidness of life’s everyday fleeting moments. For the month of April, Jena has generously allowed us photos of her work that truly speak to what Dimples’ customers value, time shared with loved ones. I love the words Jena shares, “there’s a beauty in the chaos of family photos and events.” She’s so right!

photographyBe sure to learn more about Jena by reading her artist’s statement and why she loves photography. View more of her work on her website and social media channels, all of which are listed below. Why not reach out to Jena at jena.asgari@gmail.com too?

Instagram: @jenaasgariphotography
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenaAsgariPhotography/

A Message from the Photographer – Jena Asgari: 

Hello!  My name is Jena and I am a photographer based in Vancouver BC.  I have always been enchanted by the magic of childhood, and gravitate towards family and child portraiture. There’s a beauty in the chaos of family photos and events that I love! Each individual personality and the relationships within the group can be so honest when captured candidly. I spend my days documenting the genuine beauty and magic in my own life, and those of my three beloved littles.

Through a twist of fate I wound up married to my fantastic husband who is a diamond wholesaler and belongs to a family of jewellers.  When I’m not photographing people, I get to indulge my creativity with glamorous diamond and jewellery photography.

Personal Moment and Why I Love Photography:

I have always been the photographer of the family.  As a kid I was the one who documented our childhood, stealthily planning my sneak attacks for the people who refused to pose and stealing shots of their surprised faces.  I took the role seriously and ensured that each roll of film was developed and shared, distributing the stacks of prints with pride.  My copies were always on display, an entire bedroom wall devoted to my photographs.  My version of a time machine.

Throughout the stages of life my passion for collecting memories has been constant.  My familial roles have become far more extensive but “photographer” has never left the list.  Taking pictures of our family experience keeps us connected to relatives across the world and most importantly, photography keeps me connected to a core aspect of myself.  The me of yesterday, today and tomorrow will always love an afternoon spent time traveling with loved ones.  

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