Hold on to those pudgy little hands and feet forever
How Hand & Footprint Jewelry Works
Aren’t baby hands and feet just the cutest ever? Forever capture the little hands that stole your heart and the wee feet that ran away with it.
At Dimples, we work from images of hands and feet or images of ink handprints and footprints to create your beautiful jewelry. You can choose to make your jewelry with a hand and a footprint together, a single hand or footprint, two handprints, two footprints, any combination you choose.
You don’t need to have the hand/footprint images on hand when you place your order. Simply email them to us any time after you order. Keep in mind, the quality of the hand/footprints on the jewelry depends on the quality of the images you provide us with. However, if you don’t have a good quality hand or footprint and you can no longer create one, we can enhance and edit the print you do have, if necessary, to ensure that it will create beautiful jewelry. There is an added fee for this service if it’s needed.