The creativity and sentimentality of our customers never ceases to amaze me. Here is one purpose a customer put Dimples to use for:

My husband is hard to buy for. He dresses in a suit every day, or at least a dress shirt and tie, so unique cuff links are always a good choice of gift for him. I purchased Dimples cuff links for more than one reason though. I have three children and although I could create one pair of cuff links containing all of their fingerprints, I am having 3 sets made – each set with the fingerprints belonging to of one of our children. Yes, this is initially a gift for my husband. I’m sure he will love them, wear them all the time, and tell loads of stories about his kids when he does. But, my intention is to give each of our children the set of cuff links with her/his fingerprints on it on their wedding day! I love the idea of creating this memento of their childhood and giving them something that was valued by their father – not to mention given to by their mother. I think they will love the idea. It makes for a great family tradition. Thank you Dimples!